FSN 510 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Continuity Editing, Filmy, Jump Cut

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Allegory: a sustained narrative in which the characters and situations stand for more general qualities or states. Apparent motion: when the eye perceives movement from one frame to the next. Bricoleur: someone who uses ready-made or found objects for their own work. Cinematography: involves making choices between types of shot, lens, and movement. Collage: involves mixing together various elements from different sources or media to create a new effect; favourite device of many modernist artists. Conventions: the patterns of organization that operate most frequently in films and that viewers expect to encounter; a customary way of doing things, rather than strict rules. Coverage: a practice of shooting designed to give the editor points in case more specific shots do not work out. Dada: small but influential movement at the start of the twentieth century; used to shock, strange juxtapositions, and collage to create work that often had a political, confrontational tone work that often had a political, confrontational tone.