MKT 300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Absenteeism

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Document Summary

Voluntary (employer sponsored) benefits one job to another related accident: canada/quebec pension cpp/qpp mandatory contributory pension plan, employment insurance program help financial problem of workers transition, workers" compensation provide income/medical benefit to victim of work, health insurance plan, vacation and holiday employment set minimum amount paid vacation, life insurance lower rate for all employees, health related insurance cost not cover by province (drugs, salary continuation plans short term is credit number of day sick, long term, employee income security guaranteed annual wage, unemploy benefits, retirement security contribution pension amount contributed by employee, part time off benefits holiday vacation, on the job breaks provide employee with income of long term illness and pension is the length of service. Benefits& strategy implication: define objective of organization, link hr and organizational objective, accesses need of employee, assess and comply legal requirement, compare company benefits w/ competitors, make sure benefit valued by employee, conduct annual benefit audit.