COMM 292 Study Guide - Final Guide: Indo, Femininity, Masculinity

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11 Dec 2015
COMM 292 Full Course Notes
COMM 292 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Ob topics examine core topics of motivation, leader, behavior and power, interpersonal. Communication, group structures and processes, learning, attitude development, Perception, change management, conflict, work design, work and work stress. Organization level challenges: temporary employees quality of productivity: employee development work-life-balance global competition leadership succession. Ob investigates the impact of individuals, groups and structures on the behavior in organizations. Hardest part of any job: finding, managing, growing, & retaining a potential, motivated, People"s perceptions more than reality itself, that shape opinions and dictate behaviors. Perceiver influenced by nature, nurture, context. Perceived influenced by relationship and trust. Context influenced by place, time, and situation. Describes how we explain (attribute) the cause of our own and other individual"s behavior. Judging people based on the attribution of cause internal or external. Attributions are often distorted; we often attribute success to internal factors and failures to external. Attribution often relies on 3 rules about behavior: