GGRA30H3 : case 9.odt
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Case 9 alcohol outlet densities and violent crime in camden. Data pertaining to neighbourhood social structure, violent crime and alcohol density were collected for 98 block groups, and analyzed using bivariate, Crime activity related to alcohol es- tablishment happens nearby. Authors conclude that areas with high alcohol outlet densities experi- enced more violent crime than low- density areas. Alcohol outlet densities explained close to 20% of the variabil- ity in violent crimes across block groups. Alcohol outlets include package stores where bottled drinks are purchased for consumption elsewhere as well as bars, hotel lounges, and clubs where consumption is on premises. (3 measures); population density (1 measure); residential stability (3 measures); education (2 measures); and race, family, gender, and age composition (8 measures). Authors have list of active alcohol outlets in 1994 from nj dept of alco- holic beverage control. In all, 117 outlets in camden, of which 84% com- bine package and onsite consumption.
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