HISB31H3 Final: Final exam notes
Document Summary
Italian fascists described expansionist imperialism as a necessity similarly, the nazis promoted territorial expansionism to provide living space to the german nation fascists opposed pacifism and believed that a nation must have a warrior mentality. Economic policies fascists spoke of creating a new man and a new civilization as part of their intention to transform society. Social interventionism generally, fascist movements endorsed social interventionism dedicated to influencing society to promote the state"s interests. Mussolini promised a social revolution for remaking the italian people. Hitler promised to purge germany of non-aryan influences on society and create a pure aryan race through eugenics. Mussolini"s colonialism reached further into africa in an attempt to compete with british and french colonial empires. Mussolini spoke of making italy a nation that was great, respected, and feared throughout europe, and indeed the world. Drexler"s insistence on the inclusion of the term socialist in the party"s name had caused tension amongst members of the party including then-member.