MGHD27H3 Study Guide - Learning Organization, Total Quality Management
Document Summary
Why organizations must change: organizations face external and internal pressures to change, organizations must adapt to the market, to environmental factors, technology and to consumer preference to maintain their competitive advantage external factors of change. Kurt lewin"s change process: unfreezing: the recognition that some current state of affairs is unsatisfactory. Can include simple skills training program to major changes like extensive job enrichment, radical restructuring, etc. www. notesolution. com: refreezing: the condition that exists when newly developed behaviours, attitudes, or structures become an enduring part of the organization. Issues in the change process: at the unfreezing level, diagnosis and resistance are issues companies must overcome. At the change level, resistance still remains an issue. Finally, at the refreezing level, the issue is evaluation and institutionalization. Diagnosis: diagnosis: systematic collection of information relevant to impending organization change. Reengineering: reengineering: the radical redesign of organizational processes to achieve major improvements in such factors as time, cost, quality or service www. notesolution. com.