POLB91H3 : POLB91_LECTURE 4_Outline.doc

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13 Apr 2012

Document Summary

Gnp per capita < = successful coup attempt (lower income) Cnp per capita > = unsuccessful coup attempts (lower middle) Gnp per capita > = no coup attempt (upper middle) Establishing stability: government demonstration, short term is good and long term is bad. Key: the endurance of military governments depends largely on their economic performance. Truth commission: a commission tasked with discovering and revealing past wrong doing by a military government during an internal conflict. Accountability trial: the prosecution and sentencing of military personal found guilty of past crimes against humanity. Canadians new crimes against humanity and war crime act e. g: pinochot of chile. In brazil homicide is the leading cause of death. Responses to violence and crime: authoritarian zero tolerance policing tough punishment for minor in fracturing and hard line policing without civilian oversight, private security forces: privately paid and controlled armed guards parapolice . Fortified communities for the wealthy - privatized, enclosed, and monitored.

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