PSYB45H3 : PSYB45 Notes Chap 8.docx

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Psyb57 notes chap 8: respondent conditioning y operant behaviours are controlled by their consequences; operant conditioning involves the manipulation of consequences. Respondent behaviours are controlled (elicited) by antecedent stimuli; respondent conditioning involves the manipulation of antecedent stimuli y certain types of stimuli elicit specific types of bodily responses, or unconditioned. A ur occurs in all healthy people when an unconditioned stimulus (us), or antecedent stimulus, is presented: humans have evolved to respond to us s because the ur s have survival value. Response (cr) that is similar to the ur. Ns ends: simultaneous conditioning: the ns and the us are presented at the same time, backward conditioning: the us is presented before the ns y of these ^ types of relationships, trace and delay conditioning work the best. Cs without presenting the us y when the cs (metronome) elicits the cr (salivation) after extinction has taken place (the.