ANA300Y1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle, Orbicularis Oculi Muscle, Hyoid Bone

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Genial tubercle (of the mandible) tongue contracts to pull the tongue forwards. Circular muscles that stack atop one another (almost complete tube) Contracts to elevate the mandible and for side-to-side movement. Contracts to elevate mandible and for side-to-side movement. Contract to constrict the pharynx, relax to widen the pharynx. Contract to shorten the pharynx, relax to lengthen the pharynx. Contracts to depress the thyroid (and larynx) Contracts to depress the hyoid and elevate the thyroid (and larynx) Flexion, rotation, and lateral bending of the vertebral column. Applying pressure to viscera involved in expelling gas, fluids, and solids. Anterior to the ears, duct is superficial to the masseter muscle. Duct opens at the 2nd maxillary molar to release saliva into the oral cavity. Single duct opens lateral to the lingual frenulum to release saliva into the floor of the oral cavity. Multiple ducts open lateral to the submandibular duct into floor of oral cavity.