ENG280H1 : plato and nussbaum

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Two parts: 6-8 factual questions (will be required to answer 5) questions that will test basic knowledge (reading) of essays. Part two: about 3 questions, designed to invite you to apply what we have learned to one of the two texts listed in. Content (thesis statement, originality and sophistication of, development of the thesis, knowledge of criticism and literary theory, argument has to draw from the text and be grounded within it, using evidence to support this) Form and structure (way in which work is organized, logic and coherence, choice and mastery of literary techniques) Style (diction and syntax, mastery of vocabulary, grammar) title page, citations. Formalist criticism (focuses on the literary text itself/objective criticism): Few were concerned with this type of criticism, the concern was centered around the meaning of the text and less with the form of the text, however it has now been established that form is the meaning.

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