LIN100Y1 : Personal notes from textbook

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31 Dec 2010

Document Summary

A way to combine words into sentences. An utterance is grammatical if native speakers judge it to be a possible sentence of their language. Categories, operations, and principles shared by all languages. Syntactic component of grammar = lexicon + computational system. Operations responsible for arranging words in particular ways. Modal will, would, can, could, may, must, should. Nouns denote entities; verbs actions, sensations, and states; adjectives properties and attributes. Problematic when meaning does not readily indicate category. Inflectional affixes: nouns: plural s and possessive "s www. notesolution. com, verbs: past ed, progressive ed, and third-person singular s, adjectives: comparative er and superlative est. Distribution refers to the elements a word co-occurs. Words are grouped into phrases; phrases into sentences. Can be n, v, a, or p. Marks phrase boundary; in english, heading the phrase. A phrase providing information about the head. Combines words in a manner compatible with their subcategorization properties and the phrase schema.

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