SOC101Y1 : study guide
Document Summary
Where do you go looking for research where data is and where to look for it, where to look for it. Studs turkel began work as lwyer and radio, odd man, semistructured, interviewer has questions but allows for what what he wants to say, People talk different lengths, people talk about transcribing interviews record interview and type the text, 1hrs talking long time to transcribe, record audio and video, Focus group, what is a focus group, leader has set of questions and members are chosen some may be chosen randomly, some chosen for specific , such as quiting job and returning www. notesolution. com to school. Sarah palin before election other republicans asking questions on sarah palin, set of issues he wanted to bring up, 30 40 people everyone had a chance to talk express opinion, whoever running it got it somewhat represemtative of pop. Test format 10-20 mc, 2 long answer, single page,