Biology 2581B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Red Junglefowl, Junglefowl, Behavioral Enrichment

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Dependent on an animal"s personality they will respond differently to experiences. Some introverted horses will hide the impact of an injury compared with extroverted horses who will make a big fuss about it. This is also common in wild animals who will hide the effect an injury is having in order to make them less vulnerable to predation. It is therefore in our nature for there to be a difference between our actual physical state and the outwards appearance of it. Pavlov"s dog is an example of an experiment showing conditioning behaviour. He would ring a bell when the dog was fed, causing the dog to associate the bell with food. Eventually, the dog would salivate when he heard the bell, even in the absence of food. There have been experiments proving that the smell of exam papers can cause stress due to previous behaviours.