Biology 2581B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Emmer, Crop Yield, Hunter-Gatherer

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2 million years ago homo erectus evolved and 200,000 years ago homo sapiens evolved. There are no remains or literature of these early evolutions and so we know nothing about their lifestyles. All of human history and everything we know about people and society only covers the last 5,000 years. Hunter-gatherers spent around 2 hours a day to gain the food needed whereas we work 8 hours a day and farmers work similar hours. Farmers worked long hours and were malnourished and more diseased than hunter-gatherers. To switch to an agricultural lifestyle, there had to be an opportunity (domestication of crop species) and there had to be a motive where agricultural lifestyle had to outcompete the h- Reasons for the agricultural lifestyle becoming beneficial include expanding populations, diminishing prey availability, an unpredictable climate and the depletion of resources leading to hunger causing the agricultural lifestyle to seem beneficial.