Management and Organizational Studies 1021A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: High Fidelity, Pizza Pizza, Performance Appraisal

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MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
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Measuring performance: making comparisons -individuals compared to one another, eliminates: leniency error, central tendency error. Using multiple raters: advantage of multiple raters, ability to observe various job facets, reliability, fairness, ratee acceptance. Improved defensibility: varying levels of agreement between raters, ***(cid:449)e te(cid:374)d to fi(cid:374)d differe(cid:374)t le(cid:448)els of agree(cid:373)e(cid:374)t (cid:271)et(cid:449)ee(cid:374) sour(cid:272)es. Agree(cid:373)e(cid:374)t does(cid:374)"t = accuracy, it just means certain sources rate people more similarly than others. Tend to give most similar ratings of us. Less agreement between self/peer, self/manager, etc: 360-degree feedback, process of evaluating employees from multiple resources, usually including supervisor, peer, subordinate, self. Includes; advertising, pr, sales promotion, direct response, event marketing and sponsorship, personal selling: what can be marketed, product good, service or idea, good tangible; you can touch/own, service i(cid:374)ta(cid:374)gi(cid:271)le; (cid:272)a(cid:374)"t tou(cid:272)h. Division of relationship marketing orientation: customer relation management (crm, process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationship by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction, less expensive to maintain current customers than obtain new ones.