HRM 3420 Study Guide - Final Guide: Contract, Walmart Canada, Oral Contract

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Inters: 1. training is similar to vocational school 2. Training is for the benefit of individual 3. Person providing training gets no benefit from it (cid:886). Individual doesn(cid:495)t displace employees of the person providing training (cid:887). Individual isn(cid:495)t given a right to become ee of the person providing training 6. Individual is advised that will not receive payment: no tort of discrimination can be recognized under cl the government passed it as statute. Tort: negligent or intentional: if breach of tort is found and damages assesses, the other party may be liable to pay: make sure its worth pursuing it, case: christie v york and seneca. Tort of deceit or fraudelent misr. by er: er makes inaccurate statements during the hiring process. When er makes a for the time they spend in training. Are unpaid intern ee case: girex v hsieh. misrepresentation that is relied on by the potential ee and that ee suffers damages due to it.