GENE 540 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dna Replication, S Phase, Mitosis

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10 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Dna replication occurs during s-phase of cell cycle. In mammalian cells, the cell cycle takes about 24 hours. In less complex organisms such as yeast, takes 90 minutes, and in e. coli it takes about 20 minutes (much less dna needs to be replicated in these organism) G1 gap1; g2 gap2; also known as growth 1 and 2. Dna synthesis only takes place during s-phase; and during mitosis, everything else stops. At mitosis, only the dna separating into daughter cells occurs (no dna synthesis or rna synthesis) Synthesis of rna and proteins occurs continuously, but. Dna synthesis occurs only in the descrete period of s phase. Novel prize 1962 one page publication: they said they discovered the secret of life. Nucleotide bases on the inside and phosphate backbones on the outside. The main structure they identified is the double helix; anti-parallel helix.