CHEM 181 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Soybean, Herbicide, Tillage

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Critical amino acid for the production of animals. But animals eat mostly soya beans, which are poor in methionine. We want to genetically modify soya beans so they contain methionine. Dangerous if someone allergic to brazil nuts would eat soya beans. Crop used mostly to produce oil commercial use. Much of the (cid:272)a(cid:374)ola gro(cid:449)(cid:374) today is (cid:858)(cid:859) ou(cid:374)dup(cid:859)(cid:859) resista(cid:374)t. When the crop is genetically modified, you spray with roundup, kill the weeds. The idea is to spray a canola field and kill the weeds without killing the crop. Advantage: and have to do less tillage (which is very intensive and uses a lot of fuel) Resistance to glyphosphate: offspring that are also resistant. Some plants do not take up that gene, survive the spraying and produce. Fungi can produce chemicals like the fumonisins which are carcinogens. Bacterium that produces a protein that is toxic to insects but not humans very.