POLI 211 Chapter : Village elections- Training ground for democratization (doc.).doc
Document Summary
Hope to improve relationship between state and villages. The vc law"s primary goals are to ensure villager self-government and promote grass- roots socialist democracy, material development, and culture and ideology. Duty to educate villagers on their rights and obligations. Vc not a full-time or salaried occupation. (3 to 7 members. ) Typical work: raising funds and persuade to build schools, roads 1)open, direct nominations by individuals rather than groups. 4)the mandatory use of secret voting booths to ensure the integrity of the individual vote. Candidates must be nominated by individual villagers not by the communist party. Prohibition if removing or replacing vc members by individuals or groups. Vc law introduces the four democracies : democratic election, democratic decision- making, democratic management, democratic supervision. Voting every 3 years for the deputy to the county people"s congress, which elects the township magistrate and other township officials. Direct participation in the election of township officials. Two ballot system: 1)popular vote on potential candidates.