POLI 211 Chapter : Forces of Order-Policing Modern Japan.pdf

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Police operations in japan are based on a unique system of xed police posts. There are two kinds: koban in cities. They change each shift, they report for duty at a police station and go around the koban. Koban are near traf c islands, in converted cafes and under railway overpasses. (6600: chuzaisho in rural areas. Residential post with a single of cer who lives with his family. Koban are more important than chuzaisho because more people live in urban areas. Fixed posts more than patrol cars. (1/5 patrol cars, 4/5 xed posts) The most important function of koban is to provide people with info about locations and addresses. (narrow lanes, one-way streets, most streets are unnamed, houses are numbered according to the year in which they will built. ) Japanese are mostly entertained at public facilities (no need for another numbering system. ) Neighborhoods are more heterogeneous in terms of classes than the us. (reason: value of space. )

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