COMMERCE 2BC3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Organization Development, Job Analysis, Total Quality Management
Document Summary
Recruiting, posting job descriptions, interviewing, testing, coordination and use of temporary employees. Performance measures, preparation and administration of performance appraisals, feedback and coaching, discipline. Wage and salary administration, incentive pay, insurance, vacation, retirement plans, profit sharing, health and wellness, stock plans. Attitude surveys, employee handbooks, labour law compliance, relocation and outplacement services. Record keeping, hr information systems, workforce analytics, social media, internet access. Policies to ensure lawful behaviour; safety inspections, accessibility accommodations, privacy polices, ethics. Human resource planning and forecasting, talent management, change management, organization development. Evidence-based hr demonstration that hr practices have a positive influence on company and stakeholders. Hr or workforce analysis practice of using data from hr databases to make evidence-based hr decisions practice of using quantitative methods and scientific methods to analyze data from hr database, financial statements, employee surveys. Competitive challenges influencing canadian companies: competing through sustainability.