FILM 240 Chapter : FILM 240X - Lesson 2 Textbook Notes
Document Summary
Media effects research: attempts to understand, explain, and predict the effects of mass media on individuals and society. The main foal of this type o f research is to uncover whether or not there is a connection between aggressive behavior and violence in the media, particularly in children and teens. Cultural studies: this research approach focuses on how people make meaning, apprehend reality, articulate values, and order experience through their use of cultural symbols. Propaganda analysis: the study of propaganda"s effectiveness in influencing and mobilizing public opinion. Private or proprietary research: is generally conducted for a business, a corporation, or even a political campaign. Media literacy and the critical process: daiee: description, analysis, interpretation, evaluation, engagement. Social learning theory: a theory within media effects research that suggest a link between the mass media and behavior. Psychologist albert bandura created a 4 step process for social learning ex.