GGRA02H3 Chapter : Notes on Thinking Geographically (Reading)

109 views2 pages
26 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Place (tuan): humanized space; abstract world made my humans through emotion and meaning. Space (harvey): process through time-space change in which the world becomes smaller through capital investment, leading to technological, social, political, and cultural change: routes connect places, places are both unique and connected to other places. Hierarchy of scales: urban to regional; national to international. Social/imagined distances: technology has brought us closer socially through online communities such as facebook, twitter, forums, etc. Tsunami in 2005: networking of teachers was available to teach students about the ways to help with relief in that country. However, even with the amount of technology used to think of ideas for solutions. The geographical location of that area makes it physically inaccessible to resources to repair the damage taken place. Social inequalities continue to persist in cities (ie. child poverty, education, food insecurity) The way we think of differences and similarities. Thinking between us and them; between desire and dread.

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