HLTC22H3 Chapter 8: Chapter 8 Book Notes
Document Summary
Chapter 8: functional health, health promotion and quality of life. A person"s state of health is more than the simple sum of physical illness and problems. There is an increased chance of developing a disability in later life, especially among those over 85 years of age and older. In advanced stages, chronic diseases affect many of the everyday activities of the older person. Sensory problems- make it difficult to hear or see, impairing mobility and social interactions. Cognitive problems can limit people the ability to complete simple tasks [making a change in a store] Congestive heart failure- can limit the person in making their beds or lifting heavy bags. Arthritis and osteoporosis- limit people when driving their cars. Deterioration in balance and gait is a predictor of worsening health and decline of these abilities has a major impact on the sensory, social, and mental functions of the older person.