IDSB04H3 Chapter 14: Chapter 14 Book Notes
Document Summary
Humanitarian/technical assistance from developed to underdeveloped countries - mutual cooperation to improve health. Practising international health: operates at 3 levels 1. ) motivations & actions of indi 2. ) missions & interventions of organizations 3. ) logic & structures of the world order, individual level. Ethnocentrism, paternalism, condescension- even with best intentions, still present -dismissing local knowledge of health/illness- see as indigenous/traditional/ backward . Training and work experience: know the setting, the political, socio-cultural & economic history, measures should reflect the social conditions of ppl. Acknowledge and respect indigenous approaches to health/illness other than western" biomedicine. 10% of worlds health problems receives 90% of the funding, leaving many probl in underdeveloped countries untouched --parallel prob: the research agenda of underdeveloped countries is mostly set by development partners" rather than according to locally defined groups. Research ethics: depart from principles of informed consent and autonomy - institutionalization resulting in part from heinous experiments conducted in past (and present?) on human subjects -