MGHB02H3 Chapter 16: Chapter_16

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16 May 2011

Document Summary

Chapter 16-organizational change, development and i nnovation: the concept of organizational change organizations are far from static. All organizations face two basic sources of pressure to change - external sources and internal sources. External sources include the global economy, deregulation, and changing technology. Internal sources include low productivity, conflict, strikes, sabotage, high absenteeism, and turnover. As environments change, organizations must keep pace and internal changes often occur in response to external pressures. Firms unable to anticipate or cope with such trends will cease to exist. Increase in competitiveness of business (external environment), more global economy, deregulation and advanced technology business are leaner and meaner: changes can also be provoked by internal environment- low productivity, confict, strikes, sabotage and high absenteeism and turnover. There are several specific domains in which modifications can occur as part of organizational change. Factors that can be changed include: goals and strategies-organizations frequently change the goals and the strategies they use to reach these goals.