MGHB02H3 Chapter 16: Chapter 16 Notes

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Chapter 16 organizational change, development, and innovation notes. Diffusing innovative ideas diffusion the process by which innovations move through an organization the following factors are critical determinants of the rate of diffusion of a wide variety of innovations: relative advantage. Diffusion is more likely when the new idea is perceived as truly better than the one it replaces: compatibility. It is easier when innovation is compatible with values, beliefs, needs, and practices of potential new adopters: complexity. Complex innovations that are fairly difficult to comprehend and use are less likely to diffuse: trialability. If an innovation can be given a limited trial run, its chances of diffusion will be improved: observability. Learning objectives checklist: all organizations must change because of forces in the external and internal environments. Although more environmental change usually requires more organizational change, organizations can exhibit too much change as well as too little.