MGMA01H3 Chapter 13: Chapter 13
Document Summary
Price determination: three general approaches to determine price, price derivation. based on theoretical economic analysis: cost-plus approach. where the costs of producing the product are determined, and a margin of profit is added on: marketing approach. built on aspects of the economic-analysis and cost-plus methods, and adds an important marketing dimension to come up with a realistic price. Supply refers to a schedule of the amounts of a product or service that will be offered for sale at different prices during a specific time period. In short run: firm will operate when price falls below ac, provided it remains above avc, supply curve is the marginal cost curve above its intersection with average variable cost. The concept of elasticity in pricing strategy: elasticity is a measure of the responsiveness of purchasers and suppliers to changes in price, price elasticity of demand is the percentage change in quantity divided by percentage change in price.