NROB60H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Central Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System, Symmetry In Biology

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Nervous system of all mammals have two divisions: the central nervous system (cns) and the peripheral nervous system (pns) Towards the front, the nose, known as anterior or rostral. Towards the back, the rats tail, known as posterior or caudal. Direction pointing up is dorsal and the direction pointing down is ventral. Right side of brain and spinal cord is a mirror image of the left side, known as bilateral symmetry. Invisible line running down the middle of the nervous system is called the midline, gives us another way to describe anatomical references. Closer to midline are medial: structures farther away from the midline are lateral: ex. nose is medial to eyes, eyes medial to ears. Two structures on the same side are ipsilateral to each other, ex. right ear right eye. Opposites of the midline are said to be contralateral to each other; right ear is contralateral to the left ear.

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