PSYA01H3 Chapter 4: Chapter Four Notes
Document Summary
Nerve cells of brain are organized in modules. Modules: clusters of nerve cells that communicate with each other. Nerves are attached to the spinal cord and base of the brain; make up peripheral nervous system. Human brain has three major parts: the brain stem, the cerebellum, cerebral hemispheres. Brain stem: primarily control of physiological functions and automatic behaviours. Cerebral hemisphere: largest part of the brain; covered by cerebral cortex and containing parts of the brain that evolved most recently. Cerebellum: primary function is to control and coordinate movements. Brain encased in skull, and spinal cord runs through middle of vertabrae (a column of hollow bones) > both brain and spinal cord enclosed by 3-layered set of membranes called meninges. > float in clear liquid called cerebrospinal fluid (csf) Blood brain barrier: make it less likely that toxic chemicals found in what we eat or drink can find their way into the brain, where they might do damage to neurons.