PSYA02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 10: Libido, Nocturnal Emission, Menarche
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Developmental psychology - the scientific study of biological, cognitive, social and personality development throughout the life span. A major issue is the idea of nature versus nurture. Methods in development psychology can be through: cross sectional study and longitudinal study. Cross sectional study looking at a number of groups all at the time same. Groups will be of different ages and compared with each other. Longitudinal study looking at the same group of people over a long period of time. Benefits: the changes you find really are due to development because you are actually watching them the whole time. Cons: it is very slow, and the problem of attrition; when people stop showing up to the study. Infancy birth to 2 years: motor development: Later infant motor development: there is no right time when a baby learns each milestone; there is a lot of variability, sensory-perceptual development: