PSYB01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Surveymonkey, Confidence Interval, Sampling Error
Document Summary
Social desirability social desirability response set leads individual to answer in the most socially acceptable way, or the way that the person thinks most ppl would respond: constructing questions to ask: Defining the research objectives: when constructing a survey the researcher must explicitly determine the research objectives, survey questions must be tied to research questions being addressed, 3 general types of survey questions. Attitudes and beliefs questions abt attitudes and beliefs focus on the ways that ppl evaluate and think abt issues. Facts and demographics factual questions ask ppl to indicate things they know abt themselves and their situation (age/gender). Asking some demographic info is necessary to adequately describe your sample. Behaviours questions that focus on past behaviours or intended future behaviours. Question wording table 7. 1 p 133. Double-barrelled questions: questions that ask 2 things at once, e. g. should senior citizens be given more money for rec centres and food assistance programs?" you should ask questions with 2 issues separately.