PSYB01H3 Chapter : book notes for appendix a

132 views3 pages
18 Jan 2011

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Writing style: clarity: be precise and clear in presenting ideas and make sure it is intended for your audience, use an outline, have a topic sentence, proofread your paper and have others read your paper. Acknowledge the work of others: cite your sources. Active versus passive voice: third person active voice but use i and we if referring to oneself. Abstract: a brief summary of the research report and is about 100 to 120 words. o. State the problem under study and the primary hypothesis. Include information on the characteristics of the participants and a brief summary of the procedure. describe the pattern of findings for major variables (reporting the differences without actual numbers). Include implications of the study: paragraph is not indented. Include criticisms of the study (flaws and suggest corrections). Include limitations of the study: discuss the direction that research might take (implications for further research). o.

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