PSYB45H3 Chapter 2: Study Guide For Chapter 2

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20 Jul 2010
Chapter 2: Areas of Application: An Overview
Parenting and Child Management
- As the child matures through the early school years, adolescence, and into adulthood
there are numerous applications of behaviour modification to teach parents methods to
improve their child rearing practices
- Behaviour modification techniques have been applied to develop child’s essential needs
such as language skills, walking, toilet training, and influencing to do household chores
- Parents have also been taught behaviour strategies for decreasing problem behaviour,
such as nail biting, aggressive behaviour, and tantrums
- When the behaviour problems are complex, in addition to helping parents to work with
their child, behaviourally oriented clinical psychologist treat the problem directly
Education from Preschool to University
- Personalized system of Instruction (PSI)
o It is a behavioural approach for teaching
o This approach has a number of distinctive characteristics that make it possible for
teachers to use principles of behaviour modification effectively to improve class
room instruction
o PSI is also known as Keller Plan
o It identifies the target behaviours or learning requirements for a course in the form
of study questions, such as the questions at the end of each chapter in this book
o It requires students to study only a small amount of material before demonstrating
mastery, such as the amount of material in one or two chapters that might be
studied in a week or two
o It has frequent test in which students demonstrate their knowledge
o It has mastery criteria so that students must demonstrate mastery at any particular
level before going onto the next
o Students are not personalized for failing to demonstrate mastery on a test but
simply restudy and try again
o Use a number of student assistants to score the tests immediately and provide
feedback to students concerning test performance
o Students are able to go at their own pace through the course material at rates that
suit their own particular abilities and time demands
o Uses lectures primarily for motivation and demonstration rather than as a major
means of presenting new information
Severe Problems: Developmental Disabilities, Childhood Autism, and Schizophrenia
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Document Summary

As the child matures through the early school years, adolescence, and into adulthood there are numerous applications of behaviour modification to teach parents methods to improve their child rearing practices. Behaviour modification techniques have been applied to develop child"s essential needs such as language skills, walking, toilet training, and influencing to do household chores. Parents have also been taught behaviour strategies for decreasing problem behaviour, such as nail biting, aggressive behaviour, and tantrums. When the behaviour problems are complex, in addition to helping parents to work with their child, behaviourally oriented clinical psychologist treat the problem directly. Severe problems: developmental disabilities, childhood autism, and schizophrenia www. notesolution. com. Some of the most dramatic successes of beahvour modification have occurred in application to individual with severe behaviour handicaps. term used by american association on mental retardation. disability characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and in adaptive behaviour as expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills.

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