PSYB65H3 Chapter 4: Chapter 4 notes
Document Summary
Laterality: the functional specialization of the right and left hemispheres: broca was first to popularize the functional specialization of each hemisphere. Left hemisphere: specialized for language and control of the right hand and fingers. Right hemisphere: hughlings-jackson: played a role in visual information of objects, specialized for music, emotion, and spatial abilities and control of the left hand and fingers, understanding of functions of right hemisphere took longer poor linguistic ability. cognitive deficits resulting from rh damage tend to be subtle in comparison to the significant linguistic impairments that follow lh damage. tends to make it difficult to obtain information regarding its function: neurologically normal brain function relies on constant communication between rh and lh. both hemispheres have some degree of competency for most functions. failure to communicate between rh and lf becomes especially essential in ambiguous situations when interpretation of stimuli is important to come to a correct conclusion.