PSYC12H3 Chapter : textbook studiyguide
Document Summary
With the birth of social cognition, researchers began to believe that stereotyping was a automatic process of categorization. Inherent in the nature of the way humans think about the world: brigham: stereotype is the generalization made about a group concerning a trait attribution, which is consider to be unjustified by an observer. however, a stereotype can occur whether it is justified or not: hamilton and trolier: a cognitive structure that contains the perceiver"s knowledge, beliefs, and www. notesolution. com expectations about a human group. the terms knowledge and expectations makes the definition too broad and inconsistent with traditional definitions. sounds more like the definition of a schema rather than a stereotype. Cultural and individual stereotypes: cultural stereotype: shared or community-wide patterns of beliefs. adjective rating scales are used for assessment. Stereotype is not an attitude: attitudes have three components: behavioral, affective, and a cognitive component.