PSYC18H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Fear Conditioning, Reinforcement, Stimulus Modality

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5 categories of nonverbal behaviour: many contrasting emotional connotations, emblems: nonverbal gestures that directly translate to words. E. g. rubbing forefinger with the other one = shame on you emblems vary in their meaning across cultures. Illustrator: a nonverbal gesture that accompanies our speech slightly precede the corresponding word we say. E. g. nodding head when making important phrases, move torso to show empathy +facial gestures: regulators: nonverbal behaviours that we use to coordinate conversation. E. g. looking and pointing to orient their bodies toward people they want to start speaking with + turn body away to stop speaking (regulators help regulate who talks in conversation) Self-adapter: nervous behaviours people engage in with no seeming intention (to release nervous energy) E. g. touching necks, tug hair, jiggle legs, stroke their chins: non-verbal expressions/displays of emotion: signals in the face, voice, body, and touch can convey emotion. Markers of emotional expressions: emotional expressions are fairly brief (1-10 seconds)

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