PSY100H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Encoding Specificity Principle, Baddeley'S Model Of Working Memory, Sketchpad
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Memory is the nervous systems capacity to acquire and retain usable skills and knowledge, allowing organisms to benefit from experience. Each person stores and retrieves memories of the event distinctively. Memories are stories that can be altered subtly through telling and retelling. Look and listen are commands that tell you where to direct your attention. Attention ability to direct something in ourselves. Attention is limited, and when it is divided among too many tasks or if the tasks are difficult, performance suffers. Its more productive if they focused on one thing at a time. Attention is important to your ability to function in your daily life. Basic principles of how the human attention works : British psychologist anne treisman- came up with theory about attention and recognition, that we automatically identify as primitive features such as colour, shape, orientation and movement within an environment. Separate systems analyze objects different visual features.