PSY100H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 12.3: Dorothy Dix, Thematic Apperception Test, Rorschach Test
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Module 12. 3: psychodynamic and humanistic approaches to personality. Personality and behaviour are shaped by powerful forced in consciousness, a great deal of which is hidden from our awareness in our unconscious. Conscious mind: current awareness, containing everything that we are aware of right now. Freud argues that much of what manifests as personality reflects patterns that emerge from individuals" attempts to resolve conflicts within themselves (which are played out in the conscious and the unconscious) Human psyche consists of three structures that are in constant conflict with one another. Superego: comprised of our values and moral standards: believed that it forms overtime as we become socialized into our family and larger community, represents a process of internalization. Freud: personality arises out of the interactions among these three different systems of the mind. Psyche is constant battle ground with the ego trying to keep both the id and superego happy while protecting itself from anxiety.