PSY100H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Confirmation Bias, Syllogism, Availability Heuristic
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Dread risks j although born of uncommon events, can have a profound impact on reasoning and decision making j example j fear of flying after 9/11. Cognition j mental activity such as thinking or representing information. Analogical representations - have some characteristics of (and are therefore analogous to) actual objects, such as maps reflecting the physical layout of geography. Symbolic representations j most often are words or ideas, such as knowing what the word violin stands for a musical object. Visual imagery is associated with activity in perception-related areas of the brain. These areas are likely responsible for providing the spatial aspects, such as size and shape, of analogical visual imagery. When we retrieve information from memory, as when we recall a picture we recently saw in a. lklzyz yzl l zl our brain the first time we saw the picture.