RSM100Y1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Baby Food, Project Management, Bell Canada
Document Summary
Automobile has many components, having distinct purposes but also work in harmony with others. All business have common structural and operating components, each of which has a specific purpose. Each component must fulfill its own purpose while fitting in with the others. How there components look and fit together varies from company to company. Organizational structure: specification of the jobs to be done within a business and how those jobs relate to one another. Every institution must develop the most appropriate structure for its own unique situation. Ideally, managers carefully access a variety of important factors as they plan for and then create a structure that allow their organization to function efficiently. Many elements work together to determine an organization"s structure. Chief among these are the organization"s purpose, mission, and strategy. Size, technology, and changes in environmental circumstances also affect structure. A large manufacturer operating in a strongly competitive environment requires different structure than a local barbershop or video store.