SOC101Y1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Content Analysis, Masturbation, Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing
Document Summary
Chapter 4: a dramaturgical look at i n terv iewing. the premise that interviewing is best accomplished if guided by a dramaturgical model. Schedule development: the determination of the nature of the investigation and the objectives of the research, outline listing of the categories relevant to topic, development of questions. Essential questions: concern the central focus of the study, for eliciting specific desired information, e. g. study of drinking patterns in the jewish community: has anyone in the family ever thought anyone else drank too much? . Extra questions: questions roughly equivalent to certain essential ones but worded slightly differently. In order to check on the reliability of responses or to measure the possible influence a change of wording might have. Probing questions: used to draw out more complete stories from subjects, they are neutral questions, their central purpose is to elicit more information about whatever the respondent has already said in response to a question, e. g.