SOC101Y1 Chapter 6: Groups and Organization

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17 Oct 2015

Document Summary

A social group is a collection of 2 or more people who interact frequently with one another, share a sense of belonging, and have a feeling of interdependence. Aggregate: a collection of people who happen to be in the same place at the same time but have little else in common. Category: a number of people who may never have met one another but who share a similar characteristic. X social structure, x common thing (except a particular trait) Ppl from these 2 groups may form social groups. Formal organization: a structured group formed to achieve specific goals in the most efficient manner. (can be formed from aggregate/category) Primary group: a small, less specialized group in which members engage in face-to- face, emotion-based interactions over an extended time. Secondary group: a larger, more specialized group in which members engage in more impersonal, goal-oriented relationships for a limited time. Could be primary groups within the secondary groups.

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