SOC102H1 Chapter 2: Social Problems Chapter 2 Class, Poverty and Economic Inquality
Document Summary
Economic inequality: large differences in income and wealth across individuals and groups within a society; differences in the economic power of nations. Davis and moore- functional theory of stratification: most people in most industrial societies agree about the relative social value of particular roles. Identifying themselves as members of an exploited class. 2. seeing that the owners of the means of production are their enemy: realizing that everything is at stake in the battle for equality, recognizing that societal change is possible through conflict. Social mobility: the movement of individuals from one social class to another during the course of one"s lifetime. Absolute poverty: lack of the basic necessities 9food, shelter, medicine) for basic survival. Relative poverty: survival, but far below the general living standards of the society or social group in which the poor live; affects people"s lives in dramatic ways. Poverty line: it represents a usual standard of living and differs across countries.