CHEM 183 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Anticholinergic, Antibody, Sympatholytic

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CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
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Some people survived: some people believe today that trepanation, amanda feilding (1970) - higher level of consciousness through trepanation. Problems began when we began standing erect evolutionarily: heart had to pump blood to higher level, not enough blood circulation in brain, had to ease work of the heart, reduce pressure in head. She ran for parliament twice with a platform that trepanation should be covered under the national health plan (uk: peter halvorson (us) - hole in the head advocate. Serotonin: dopamine, norepinephrine, gamma aminobutyric acid, synapse, neurotransmitter can fit into receptor on adjacent nerve cell, after neurotransmitter is used it is recycled or broken down, that can be. Patients noticed that patients became very cheery from iproniazid: one of the first drugs used to treat tuberculosis: iproniazid, nathan kline tried iproniazid on depressed patients as well, worked but: some patients developed high blood pressure, including strokes. Patients that were taking mois and were eating certain foods such as aged.