GMS 200 Lecture Notes - Horizontal Integration
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Two generic strategies: cost leadership, timex, bic, differentiation, rolex. Many types, but here we have divided them into three: Staples, and officemax (office furniture: recently acquired officemax (drawback their customers are now their competitors, so now their reach has been limited to. 3. www. notesolution. com: strategy of seeking ownership of or increased control over a firm"s competitors. Mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers among competitors (horizontal integration: oracle / sun microsystems ii. Ibm acquired cognos (cognos had canadian markets which ibm wanted to tap into) Intensive strategies: market penetration strategy seeks to increase market share for present products and services in present markets through greater marketing efforts. I t includes increasing the number of salespersons, advertising expenditures, and sales promotions: market development strategy introducing present products or services into new geographic areas. General motors and ford have greater revenue and profits from businesses outside the us.