LINA01H3 Lecture 5: Lecture 5 Notes

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Phonemes can be discovered through a minimal pair test. Mad vs. man are near minimal pairs. The distribution of allophones is rule-governed" (changes in context) Allophones usually do not occur in the same phonetic environment (complementary distribution) when not in complimentary distribution; in different phonemes. If there is no (near) minimal pair, examine the contexts. The relevant context" that determines which variant you will see may be: what comes before/after the sound, position of stress, syllable structure , etc. Typically, one variant is found in a more well-defined, specifi c context while the other variant is found elsewhere. We can use the common" variant for the phonemic representation. When allophones belong to separate phonemes, they are: contrastive/distinctive. In unpredictable distribution: easily perceived as different, not necessarily phonetically similar. When allophones belong to the same phoneme, they are: non-contrastive/rule governed. In predictable distribution: not easily perceived as different, always phonetically similar.

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