BIO120H1 Lecture : Notes taken during lecture
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BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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11 cells can move, proteins in cytosol can move and interact with each other, vesicles also move from different compartments in cell to cell surface. 13 know golgi, endoplasmic and what they do. Secretion of cell extracellular matrix so cells migrate by crawling along. Lysozome membrane bound acidic compartment digestion of things cell. Endoplasmic reticulum rough er has ribosomes docked there. Proteins translated into lumen proteins into golgi apparatus where enzymes modify and sort proteins into different vesicles, which then go to proper components into cell. 14 vacuole two types storage unit where macromolecules stored versus lysosome involved in degrading etc. 15 cytoplasm space outside of nucleus, including organelles. Eukaryotic cells have membranes into even smaller compartments/organelles, where there are different concentrations of ions, - compartmentalizations mean specialization of cell, of regions in cell. Membranes must be slightly different from each other unique membrane so contents are unique. Nuclear membrane lumen of er and nucleus is the same.