BIO120H1 Lecture : Notes taken during lecture

BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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Loss of control cell tumours form proliferate too much change from benign to metastatic tumour. For the exam, responsible for material in the textbook and the lectures. Find what was covered in lecture in the readings, and make sure this is know. before coming into lecture, read the captions of the figures in the readings figure out what they mean. goblet cell specialized shape, structure, filled with vesicles containing mucus that is secreted from cell: shape depends on cytoskeleton, which allowed the cell to specialize. sperm"s cytoskeleton allows it to specialized into swimming. Microtubules attached to chromosomes, during mitosis separate chromosomes. make sure segregate evenly into two cells. Proteins embedded in plasma membrane can be pulled out hydrophobic interactions not very strong. But inside the cell, the proteins sticking cells together are attached to cables. blue part is the cell attachments adhesion complexes. Lot of dynamnics in cell must be regulated.