GGR100H1 Lecture 11: Lecture 11 notes
Document Summary
Taking natural environment and improving on it - cut down trees. Improve economic output - sell products from trees, etc. In canada, all growth is secondary growth - not natural. Changing carrying capacity - support more people at higher standard of living. Ignore failures of technology because clouded by success. Ex. transportation - moved resources, connected economies, etc, but pollution is a problem. Level of development measured by degree of environmental change. Ex. lack of infrastructure, etc, would be seen as poor environment. Improving sophistication of environment, standard of living, etc. Perception of environment is different - ours is seen as well-maintained, etc. Geographical context - need to think about it globally. Carrying capacity not distributed equally! environmental stress. In natural environmental system, there"s no concept of waste - ex. when a tree falls, it becomes a resource for another animal, or it decomposes and recycles.